Friday, December 22, 2006

Confession: i have put on a lil weight (ok lots of it..yeah yeah smirk)
Remedial step taken: have finally joined the gym

I take my first shaky step into the world of losing weight. Its shakier now tht i have crunched my abs as much as my crazed abodomen muscles would allow and squatted enuf to give street urchins a run for their poverty. Have toned, which surprisingly involves much more effort than the cleansing-toning-moisturising bit. Have also conditioned, without the the shampoo. Life fitness (a brand of fitness equipment for the unhealthy mcdonald crunchin unintitated people) has actually given gettin nowhere a whole new meaning. And you would think life is frustrating!

Monday, December 11, 2006

I love being a woman..there is all the gossip, the license to cry, crib aboout weight, be unreasonable and blame pms, yeah all that is the fun. The not so fun part is a visit to the parlour. We do have our manicures and pedicures and sometimes headache cures but now those are the frilly expenses. which most student women would umm for financial reasons forgo..the difficult part is the u may not think this is that bad..coz u eyebrows and upperlips could for most men translate into foggy and no idea zones. But for us fairer sex this ritual is a pain. some what like pullin ur chest hair. yeah now u know what im talkin about. But we do it.. to look good..and preferably less hairy. Not that waxing is fun either. Let me not explain to u how that feels. For any other reason, being a woman is just fine.actually its pretty gr88