Thursday, October 26, 2006 only 22 (on the brink of 23 but wht the hell young nonetheless)..n a visit to my beloved home has caused me anxiety of enormous proportions..i knw this is something tht afflicts most Indian my diagnosis this a case of "feminine entrapment" parents look at me..uh huh theres the look..they look at me n at each other n then at me startin to get distinctly looks at me n in a conspirational tone says "Do you have anyone?"..Do i have any1??what sorta question is that??like skeletons in my closet..or like am i a cannibal or somethin??I look at her n dread befalls the maiden..i can almost hear my relatives smile n say "finally" i say "for what?" which obviously is stupid..n my mom thinks so as well..oops the repraochful look..So i confidently say no..after which they tell me 500 people have asked for me...u knw moms..they say its 10.30 whem its actaully i try n get intelligent..nah cant be 500 i say...okie ghalat jawab.."we r thinkin of startin to look for guy"..a half smile pasted on my face is not helping things..i almost laugh..cant but a giggle dad is lookin at me..which is a good i say "but i have a career to make" to all women tryin to get out of a situation like this..this is not exactly a very vital point..valid!so try somethin else..but i stick to my guns..n my takes 2 years to find a guy..says dad..2 years?? ok..hmm i say thotfully..n then shut up..which i think is a good i haven decided..n leave..lets say a graceful graceful as u can get when there r rabid dogs chasin u..for more on the chronicles of mansis marriage..stay posted...

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