Friday, March 09, 2007

So i am almost done with my college. Funny part is i dont know what to feel. Yeah i pretty much abhor this place, its functioning or the lack of it and the "fuckulty". To put it nicely i wont miss this place. Not the building, the stuffy classrooms or the white boards. But what i will miss are the people. So it wasnt always fun. There were too many friendships sacrificed at the altar of assignments. Too many sweet nothings ignored due to ppt pressures. Lots of love lost for the want of a computer.
But the people. Love em, hate em marry em..u still know them. There are the ones u wish u neva see again. But down the road, a meeting around the corner is certainly going to be pleasant.There are the ones i fell in love with. And some figured in the grey zones. There are these people who figured in my life for 2 years. Yeah ill miss having them around.But what will i miss more?
I will miss passng perfectly inconsequential chits around in class. Miss the thrill of sneaking in a bite into classes. Miss catching winks during a particularly boring lecture. ill miss being in my comfort zone
To all the people who made it thru 2 years...Cheers!!

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