Friday, December 22, 2006

Confession: i have put on a lil weight (ok lots of it..yeah yeah smirk)
Remedial step taken: have finally joined the gym

I take my first shaky step into the world of losing weight. Its shakier now tht i have crunched my abs as much as my crazed abodomen muscles would allow and squatted enuf to give street urchins a run for their poverty. Have toned, which surprisingly involves much more effort than the cleansing-toning-moisturising bit. Have also conditioned, without the the shampoo. Life fitness (a brand of fitness equipment for the unhealthy mcdonald crunchin unintitated people) has actually given gettin nowhere a whole new meaning. And you would think life is frustrating!

Monday, December 11, 2006

I love being a woman..there is all the gossip, the license to cry, crib aboout weight, be unreasonable and blame pms, yeah all that is the fun. The not so fun part is a visit to the parlour. We do have our manicures and pedicures and sometimes headache cures but now those are the frilly expenses. which most student women would umm for financial reasons forgo..the difficult part is the u may not think this is that bad..coz u eyebrows and upperlips could for most men translate into foggy and no idea zones. But for us fairer sex this ritual is a pain. some what like pullin ur chest hair. yeah now u know what im talkin about. But we do it.. to look good..and preferably less hairy. Not that waxing is fun either. Let me not explain to u how that feels. For any other reason, being a woman is just fine.actually its pretty gr88

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My blog seems dormant and i have decided to nudge it into functioning. I can almost see it yawn with irritation.(or relief)
There has been not much happenin around in my life to blog it. Pretty much nuthin. Its so mundane im starting to question my existence. One of the questions i have recently, to add to my misery, is growing up. So i went thru my bit during the teenage years. The desperate need to create an identity. With pimples, boyfriends and periods thrown in for good measure. And yeah, parents and deadlines and all that. This blossoming period has been discussed. But what people didnt tell me about was this period. You are on a budget. Or actually both my parents and I pretend im on a budget. which i regularly screw up. So the whole i wanna stand on my two feet bit. And then pressure to get placed. and placed well. and for nomads like me. where is a question. and how. and logistics and all that. now someone used to making decisions as big as whether its gonna be mcdonalds or pizza hut, this exactly my cup of anything. It isnt even a cup.
And then far off relatives, sometimes they are so far off you dont even knw if ur still related, pretending to be samaritans and call to ask if ur ok and alive n feeding the monkeys at the zoo. Then extending the samaritanism, ask if i have anyone in my life.and how i can always tell them and that they will help conquer the battle with my parents.(what!?! no really what!?!)
If this doesnt sound appetizing enuf, there are assignments of no consequence, lectures with alumni of no standing, sitting or even encroaching.
My point is my life is a blur, no wait is it unsharp?? (tryin to get my photography rite) no its a blur alrite of insignificant activity backed my resolution to bore my self to death.
You get it. I m soooo frustrated.

Thursday, October 26, 2006 only 22 (on the brink of 23 but wht the hell young nonetheless)..n a visit to my beloved home has caused me anxiety of enormous proportions..i knw this is something tht afflicts most Indian my diagnosis this a case of "feminine entrapment" parents look at me..uh huh theres the look..they look at me n at each other n then at me startin to get distinctly looks at me n in a conspirational tone says "Do you have anyone?"..Do i have any1??what sorta question is that??like skeletons in my closet..or like am i a cannibal or somethin??I look at her n dread befalls the maiden..i can almost hear my relatives smile n say "finally" i say "for what?" which obviously is stupid..n my mom thinks so as well..oops the repraochful look..So i confidently say no..after which they tell me 500 people have asked for me...u knw moms..they say its 10.30 whem its actaully i try n get intelligent..nah cant be 500 i say...okie ghalat jawab.."we r thinkin of startin to look for guy"..a half smile pasted on my face is not helping things..i almost laugh..cant but a giggle dad is lookin at me..which is a good i say "but i have a career to make" to all women tryin to get out of a situation like this..this is not exactly a very vital point..valid!so try somethin else..but i stick to my guns..n my takes 2 years to find a guy..says dad..2 years?? ok..hmm i say thotfully..n then shut up..which i think is a good i haven decided..n leave..lets say a graceful graceful as u can get when there r rabid dogs chasin u..for more on the chronicles of mansis marriage..stay posted...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

This post is dedicated to the man i have grown to love..someone who is tough and gentle, who inspires me and makes me think..he plans life, fails miserably and still takes each day head on...whos all grown up and still a child..who dreams big and dreams small..he who hasnt had life fair but is positive..he who cannot be suffocated into a the man i admire..i love u

Friday, September 29, 2006

An ode to Mumbai

Mumbai..hmm..just back frm a trip to tht gorgeous place..i dont knw wht it is abt the city..the people, the energy, the attitude or mayb all of this..a city i have grown to love and times wishin it were human..from the familiar smell tht assaults senses at Mahim to the absolute elegance of Marine Drive at night..the metallic coldness of the train bars..the chatpata pani puri at chowpatty..the cacophony of voices at Churchgate station..its a delight for all my senses..celebs in designer garb pose for the flashbulbs..fisherwomen in nawaris battle the yuppies hang out at Mocha..tycoons nurse a Jack Daniels..from the Malabar hill to Dharavi..the BMWs glide the city roads..the locals thunder past with equal spunk..a royal Victoria Terminus stands tall in its ancient glory..a Thapar house carves its dainty niche..heaps of books bake under the lazy sun at Fountain..paperbacks cushioned at Crossword shelves..nimbu paani refreshes haggard travellers..iced tea sips coolin diamond laced throats..Zaveri Bazaar diamond merchants munch hungrily at vada paos..Nariman Point execs chomp at Mcdonalds..salesmen haggle with cranky women at Fashion Street..Heels click the marble floor at Inorbit..a indefatigable spirit coupled with a undyin agility...a city full of myriad possibilities..each beautiful..each unique..heres to the city tht lives in me..

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cheers! a win every indian should be proud of..n yeah if u eva see the replay u dont wanna miss the dhonis expression when the ball was comin down on dravid..anyways u arent on cricinfo so gettin to the point of this post..ever since mandira has been plastered on my screen with 2 inch of clothin on my 21 inch screen my feminist mind has been on an overdrive..the pre during and post match shows..everything laced with pretty chicks..chicks with negative iq and think a pitch has somethin to do wid the vocal cards..who smile stupidly whenver the camera pans to them..or blurt out a contest question as a savin grace..wht were they thinkin comin on a cricket show??Now channel ppl be intelligent..pick me..i knw swing and spin and a doosra and wht "in the blockhole means"..

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My tryst with copywritin

Yeah so I wanna be a copywriter. I know my alphabet, understand grammar and love to think..daydream actually..but lets stick to think. So Mr. Egghead asks me “Why advertising”... I try my thoughtful expression which is not the right one. Coz hes lookin at me like you don’t know? So..burp..shit tht cold pizza in the morning..i try the trash that they taught me at college…the one where they say write a paragraph using the words brand, communication, consumer and research…yeah I did really well in tht I sit up n say hey! This cant be tht bad. So I give him something about understanding the consumer, communicating the brand personality (it can have the personality of a slobbering couch potato buh wht the heck) at which point im positive I heard a snore..I look up from my laser like concentration on my toes at egghead.
Egghead looks at me..something like when the doctor is going to tell you you have genital warts..its not a really nice expression..something like a mixture of disappointment and actually umm I don’t know but basically a lot of so-u-think you are going to get this job??At which point im convinced it’s the wrong my grey cells are doing an awkward salsa trying to figure out an answer..I decide I cant just sit I do my “lets feign intelligence” move..a combination of gesticulations and eyes on an overdrive..most of the time I end up lookin like a circus clown on a bad day…I muster up my courage and look at egghead. So y a copywriter?I knew this was comin..the favourite weapon in the creative ready for this one though..coz I love playing with words and language interests me..and I wanna build brands..smirk smirk..egghead is lookin at me like im a lab specimen..
i wish the chair was more comfortable..neva figured y chairs wld the butt space perfect for an overweight ant..esp without cushions..y..
.returning to the land of now ive patted my back with rockstar enthusiasm …restoring balance I resume my staring at egghead with my safe expression..egghead gets up, says “not exactly what I want..but will do..”..i jump with glee while tryin to appear I have landed my first job as a does feel nice..aspirers of the world..unite!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My entry on bloggin planet..
I am not a very techie person..actually im not techie at all and have my doubts abt the person bit..nonetheless..its nice to have a "blog" of my own. Since most people droppin me a cookie mite not knw who im..heres an intro. I am 22 year old woman, an aspiring copywriter, a loyal friend, crazy chick, intelligent listener, buddin foodie, witty fiend, smell connoisseur and a coca cola drinker. Now tht ive been packaged nicely, i really dont knw wht else to write. Shall blog arnd the place wen have more to share..
till then