Sunday, September 17, 2006

My entry on bloggin planet..
I am not a very techie person..actually im not techie at all and have my doubts abt the person bit..nonetheless..its nice to have a "blog" of my own. Since most people droppin me a cookie mite not knw who im..heres an intro. I am 22 year old woman, an aspiring copywriter, a loyal friend, crazy chick, intelligent listener, buddin foodie, witty fiend, smell connoisseur and a coca cola drinker. Now tht ive been packaged nicely, i really dont knw wht else to write. Shall blog arnd the place wen have more to share..
till then


Dhaval said...

intresting blog..!!

canines rock said...

hmmm a very nice package indeed. i wonder how u look like...actually i dont have to wonder, i just wonder what other people must be wondering, come to think of it u should make a nice copy to advertise ur blog , iam sure u are good at that , as u r at eating food and drinking coke.nice to view ur blog though madam hope u write often on it.

Neville said...

Ok. Like I mentioned... reminds me of Holden Caulfield... an amateur one... but Caulfield never-the-less.

Neville said...

So at last we are here. It's (blogging, I mean) a good forum for us depraved copywriters. After all, once we get into the mayhem and the grind, we will be slaves to the cheque and have to write lines that begin with What's more.

It's a sad career to be in… but it's the choices we make… now make the most of this and do what every writer should do… write. And not just write, but write well.

Advice: use this as a bitching a spot, which client's will never see and if they do… good they just might see your point of you.

Shit did I just say that! HAH, I still have faith in clients.

PS: Don't use SMS lingo. Please.