Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Asta la vista

Time:8.30 pm
Date:29th March 2007
Occasion: To celebrate our reaching corporate puberty
A farewell bring out the well in all of us..for some like me where tears threaten to spill over at the mention of a goodbye, its a spring. Seems like a farewell can make any1 cry. Lets try and identify species.
Sozzlers: Their habitat is often located next to bars and around them. Frequently spotted with drink and a funny walk, this species keeps danger at bay by going beserk with the drinks. Their behaviour is marked by vigourous gyrating mostly out of rhythm.

Look at mes: Found in places with maximum action, this species looks to force emotion out of people. Typical behaviour includes throwing themselves into people's arms with hyterical cries. This species identify thier target and jump in at an opportune moment to garner eyeballs. Crocodile tears and air kisses fly thick and fast. After these histronics, they leave their bewildered prey to fend for themselves

em genuines: These guys are the ones who actually manage to convince themselves they are going to miss everyone including the nose picking puntu. They hug everyone (yes puntu as well) and hope to god they will meet again. Sincere and nice, if u have missed them for 2 years u will know them at the farewell.

There are more but words seem eroded..Batch of 2007..if i loved being here it was bcoz of u guys..Thank you!

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