A pound for your thoughts
A rather intellectual conversation with a friend caused frenzied activity in my brain. What if, and you will know how remote a possibility this is, we could lose weight for everytime we thought intelligent thoughts. Now before you shout in protest, i understand that classification would be ..umm..well difficult. But that takes away from the thought. Lets tuck our concerns away as a fat deposit. Say you were thinking about global warming, the words being a meta tag for the brain to kickstart its processes. So your brain would pump some energy to your nerves and push it through to the heart. The heart in all its cupid-disgusted glory will unleash more energy and your metabolism will up itself. And before you know it, global warming will make you sweat. Imagine all the fun you could have. Just simply tune in your thoughts and bang! you have lost pounds. And of course, people like me (puffed chest and all) would be petite creatures worth some good ol Hollywood glory. Me being a copywriter, in case you were wondering. Cellulite-reduction creams would come with some grandmom advice about how to get thinking. These would be enhanced with almonds to aid thinking. Self-help book titles would read ' 7 habits of highly thinking people'. Thinking caps could actually become a brand. You could sin with a bowl of strawberries and fresh cream and make it vanish. Paris Hilton, out of the way, fat lump.
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